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Coping with Night Shift Work - Four Part Tutorial & Strategies for Improving Sleep

Posted by Blue Block Glasses Team on May 17, 2020 . 0 Comments

Working at night is not normal for humans and this work schedule causes problems for most people. However, it is possible to reduce these problems
with a better understanding of the effects of night work on sleep and health, by applying some strategies.

Marie Dumont
holds a Ph.D. in neurosciences. She is a researcher at the Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine (CARSM) in  Montreal and professor at University of Montreal since 1990. Her main research topic is sleep regulation and biological rhythms, especially in night workers. She developed this web tutorial with Le-cours to offer night workers reliable, free and accessible information to help them cope better with night work.
Night Shift Work

People who will benefit from this tutorial

This web tutorial was made for everybody who has to work nights, either occasionally or full-time. Because schedules and constraints vary largely from one individual to another, each person will have to adapt the information provided, and the proposed strategies, to his or her own situation.


The tutorial comprises four steps presented in four units. The first three units provide information on the effects that night work may have on you, especially on your sleep. They aim to help you identify the problems you may have and the obstacles preventing you from sleeping well when you are working nights. The fourth unit proposes many strategies that you may find appropriate to your situation and that you may like to try.

Throughout the tutorial, you will be invited to answer questions for a notebook. This notebook is yours, to help you keep track of your thoughts and ideas. Your notebook is confidential. No information is saved on the tutorial web site and
your notes are automatically erased as soon as you leave a unit. At the end of each unit, you will be invited to print or save your notes in a PDF file for your personal use. The notebook questions from each unit are also available in the Resources section. You can print them if you prefer writing your answers by hand.

Unit 1 - Assess the Impact that Night Shift work has on you

Unit 2 - Know your sleep

Unit 3 - Identify obstacles preventing you from sleeping well when you are working night shifts

Unit 4 - Choose personal strategies for improving your sleep and coping better with night work


English - Coping better with night shift work

Francais - Mieux vivre le travail de nuit


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